一張照片的警示 告訴你記得坐計程車要繫安全帶
Sony VAIO P - A Review of the Sony VAIO P 相信很多網友出門都是都得靠捷運和公車,偶爾也會坐計程車,不過在這些交通工具緊急剎車的時候,你是不是也發生過糗事呢?日本網友前幾天在推特上傳了一張照片。我想,這大概會是台灣政府要宣傳「後座請記得繫安全帶」的最有力宣傳圖片吧! 女網友們看到這張圖時大概忍不住會心一笑,出門在外最害怕的就是補妝啦,而且還To say Sony is going against the grain would be an understatement. At a time other notebook vendors are heavily promoting low-cost $499 (and cheaper) 10-inch netbooks, and establishing a new category of affordable 12-inch ultraportables, the VAIO P stands...