valentines 2010 | Marian Bantjes幾乎擠破褲子的並不是脂肪,而是重達100磅的陰囊!美國一男子患病,陰囊不繼脹大,嚴重影響性生活。現時在網上為手術費籌款,希望成功「縮蛋」。 在美國密歇根州,現時39歲的莫拉(Dan Maurer),廿多歲時發現陰囊不斷脹大,由哈蜜瓜大小脹至站起來碰到腳踝,但醫生一直只是叫他減肥,甚至提議他做束胃手術This year I had the idea to make my valentines from old Christmas cards. I solicited my friends to send me all their used Christmas cards, and I started getting exciting envelopes of cards in the mail. Many, many cards. This must be what it’s like to be p...