Tracking Error: Ex-Ante versus Ex-Post Measures 有人說,自慰就是在消耗人體的元氣,是浪費精子的行為。這種說法並不準確,實際上,自慰是自我發洩性欲的正常行為,隻要適度、合理、健康,就應該的得到提倡。不過,我們應該首先正視自慰問題,不僅是自己要了解,也要讓青少年能合理地把控自己,不能出現盲目、過度的自慰情況。 自慰是正常的性活動 現代社會由於營養充8 We cannot apply the same argument as in Theorem 1 to the relationship between ex-post and ex-ante TE MAD’s For the MAD case, we propose Theorem 2. Theorem 2 If w t that satisfies $e w t = 0 is stochastic, i.e., w t = µ w +? t, where v t ~ (0,O w), then ...