Comparison of C Sharp and Visual Basic .NET - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia TOP1:女人購物及逛街的熱情不可理喻 女人是比較愛購物,然而男人卻不喜歡逛街,除了熱戀的時期,男人一般不願意陪女人逛街或者購物。 女人用於買化妝品,對著鏡子,選擇衣服鞋帽搭配的時間永遠都比男人多,你等她出門一定是要預約提前打招呼,否則你實在是等不起。 因為他們實在無法Language history [edit] C# and VB.NET are syntactically very different languages with very different history. As the name suggests, the C# syntax is based on the core C programming language originally developed by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs (AT&T) in the...