Visual Basic InStr - Aivosto - Analyze, Document and Flowchart Source Code我提議買上幾張彩票,說不定就能一腳踩上臭狗屎,掙個五百萬,然後給她鑲上滿口的大金牙。 老婆一百個不同意,說中獎的概率還沒有天上掉石頭的概率大。 這也不怪老婆,自從她以一百塊錢本金換來五塊錢的收益後,就對彩票再沒了興趣。 我對老婆說:“我這幾天點兒特好,你要是不買,咱不就與五百萬擦肩而過了InStr is a powerful VB string function. It's the perfect way to search and test strings in robust Visual Basic 6.0 applications. This article shows how to call InStr to perform advanced text processing tasks quickly The article also discusses case insensi...