vb.net - How to call a C++ dll file from Visual Basic 2010 - Stack Overflow 話說… 25號在比利時布魯塞爾舉行的北約領導人峰會,吸引了不少媒體的關注。 各北約領導人在峰會上,對打擊恐怖主義等問題做了討論和交流。 各國首腦出席,自然也少不了攜帶自己的夫人。 第一夫人團也一起愉快的拍了合照。 不過… 這第一夫人團里咋還多I'm going to assume here the C++ DLL is written in pure C++ (not C++/CLI or anything like that). It seems that the VB Lib keyword will only be importing a .NET procedure, rather than a native procedure. Instead, you need to use P/Invoke. Something like th...