vb.net - How to call a C++ dll file from Visual Basic 2010 - Stack Overflow 今年的上海車展中也許無法再見到展台上的另一道風景——車模們了。所以這裡就把往年的車展中,這些青春靚麗的車模們在展台後的時間展示給各位 她們也需要休息,也需要休息站了數個小時的雙腿,也同樣需要吃飯,然後又要立刻換好表演的服裝上台展示自己的魅力與笑容 車模在後台都做什麼?來曝光I'm going to assume here the C++ DLL is written in pure C++ (not C++/CLI or anything like that). It seems that the VB Lib keyword will only be importing a .NET procedure, rather than a native procedure. Instead, you need to use P/Invoke. Something like th...