正妹裸臀逛大街,路人尾隨看不停。 內有影片
VB.Net - OpenFileDialog Control - Tutorials for Emberjs, BackboneJS, KnockoutJS, Assertiveness,人體彩繪總能給人帶來一種強烈的視覺沖擊,近日法國一名人體彩繪師近日在女模特兒的下半身塗上顏料,畫上一件超擬真的淺藍色牛仔褲,結果不穿外褲走在街上,竟還沒太多路人發現破綻。 據英國《都會報》報導,法國人體彩繪施瑪麗亞(Marie P)嘗試了一種新創作,她讓女模特只穿一件丁字褲,將她的下半身全部塗上藍色Example In this example, let's load an image file in a picture box, using the open file dialog box. Take the following steps: Drag and drop a PictureBox control, a Button control and a OpenFileDialog control on the form. Set the Text property of the butto...