20週年特式車Modulo Honda Odyssey
How to Round a Number in Visual Basic | eHow 「Modulo」算是Honda原廠改裝精品,從外觀、內裝、影音系統到鋁圈等,讓車輛配備、質感更為精緻,而這次車展中,Honda為慶祝Odyssey推出20週年,特別展出Modulo Odyssey特式車。 Modulo特別為Odyssey推出20週年紀念車型,除了外觀包圍之外,內裝也The basic number data types in Visual Basic all come with helper functions for rounding numbers, but the precise function used depends on the rules you wish to use to round the number. For example, numbers are rounded down using the "floor" function, roun...