vb sleep function

vb.net - Sleep function Visual Basic - Stack OverflowIs there a simple sleep function in Visual Basic that doens't involve thread. Something similiar like there exists in: C: sleep(1); We also tried this code: Declare Sub Sleep Lib ......


VB6 Sleep Function-VBForums - VBForums - Visual Basic and VB .NET Discussions and More!The sleep function for my VB6 doesn't work, it just freezes up the application. Can anyone give me a sleep function that won't freeze up the application? ... That's because the Sleep API freezes all events and the next line of code in your app until the S...


Visual basic Tutorial - Delay Function (Not Sleep Function) - YouTubeWe will learn about the delay function , same as the well known sleep function but without the unknown disturbing freeze. Delay Module Code : http://pastebin.com/2bSWZ16p....


lua-users wiki: Sleep FunctionA common need is to pause (sleep) a program for a certain number of seconds, preferably without busy waiting. This function to do this without busy waiting does not exist in ANSI C, so it does not exist in stock Lua. However, there are extension libraries...


wait function in vb.net - VB.NET forum - developer FusionHi! if anyone know wait function in vb.net window application plz send me i want to stop my function for perticular time period any solutio ... The only "wait" function I know of is 'system.threading.thread.sleep'. However, this will hang the UI if you ca...


Delay Function in VB6 - Visual Basic 4 / 5 / 6Hello all, I want to put delay in my loops as we use in c/c++.. Is there any delay function in vb6 which put delay between any code??? Thanx ... Try: system.threading.thread.sleep(miliseconds) I wouldn't try that in VB6, you might hurt yourself. :) You mi...
