vb sleep wait

Visual Basic 2013 - Sleep, Wait, Async (der Einzeiler.. Keine GUI Probleme) [HowTo #036] - YouTube    天阿,帥到爆了XD      Abo - http://bit.ly/JoinRobbelRoot Homepage - http://robbelroot.de ═════════════ BESCHREIBUNG ═════════════ Das Programm warten lassen? Ohne Hängen/Einfrieden der GUI? Kein Gefrimel mit Application.DoEvents()? Hier seid ihr richtig.....


Wait command for Visual Basic 6 - Microsoft Visual Basic - Eng-TipsOne thing to note about the Sleep command, is that it suspends all processing for that process while it's sleeping. So if you want to wait for a few seconds, and not have the program do anything during that time, then Sleep is fine. On the other hand, if ...


Sleep | VBScript | SS64.com - SS64 | Command line referenceWScript.Sleep Suspend the execution of the current script for the specified number of milliseconds. Syntax WScript.Sleep lngTime Arguments: lngTime is the delay in milliseconds Example WScript.Sleep(5000) WScript.Echo("5 seconds have passed.")...


vb.net - How do I get my C# program to sleep for 50 msec? - Stack Overflow    for 1. - Loose waiting in C#: Thread.Sleep(numberOfMilliseconds); However, windows thread scheduler causes acccuracy of Sleep() to be around 15ms (so Sleep can easily wait for 20ms, even if scheduled to wait just for 1ms). for 2. - Tight waiting in C# is:...
