2017新年式Maserati Ghibli台灣上市
Convert String To Character Array - VB6 | Dream.In.Code 新年式Maserati Ghibli甫推出就以俐落流線曲線跟動力吸引眾多車迷的目光,現在2017年式Ghibli預計在台灣正式上市,除了在動力表現有所提升外,也提供多組選配套件讓車主打理座艙。Ghibli採源自A6GCS Berlinetta 經典跑車水箱護罩與無窗框車門,整體車身曲線相當優美滑順Convert string to character array: ... The only reason I asked is that I don't recognise the ToCharArray method as a VB6 function, but I'm not that familiar with VBA, so maybe someone else will drop in to assist you in this....