vb6 - Need to create a 30 second delay in Visual Basic - Stack Overflow (本圖轉貼自今日頭條,下同) 王心凌和媽媽 王心凌和姚元浩今年都將滿三十三歲,兩人一度交往分手又復合,已穩定交往三年。 眼看前女友隋棠嫁人又生子,姚元浩似乎也想趕一趕進度,雖然他已和王心凌過著同居生活,但爆料者說,姚元浩一心想把王心凌娶回家,所以特地請王家人吃飯,親口向王母說明這個成家立業的夢想。How can I create a 30 second delay in visual basic. I simply want VB to wait 30 seconds before moving on to the next line of code!! Thanks, --Steve-- ... For the sake of a complete set of solutions: If you're using vb6 in an application environment (like ...