Lexus New IS變強 拉桿強化 路感更紮實
Fix for 64 bit and using vb6 apps and controls never will fail 許多車友反應第二代IS 250的底盤剛性不夠紮實,加裝拉桿是強化剛性最有效的辦法,到了第三代IS是否已有改善?Option編輯部來到新竹維修Toyota/Lexus專門的威盛汽車,看看New IS有多大改變! IS 300h這具2AR-FSE引擎已導入缸內直噴科技,因此OK - update on an old issue --Now the installers put the program files and libraries in the right places.. (x86) and syswow64 ... however VB6 components (like FlexGrid control) -- are hardcoded to a location of c:\windows\system32\MSFLXGRD.OCX...