VB6 Sleep Function-VBForums - VBForums - Visual Basic and VB .NET Discussions and More!不是做夢!讓人氣正妹死心塌地倒貼加陪睡的方法 別羨慕人家高富帥,其實你也可以! 超人氣正妹甘願做你的「貼身情人」 只想24小時陪你不離開 沒想到讓正妹天天陪你黏踢踢睡覺覺其實這麼簡單?草莓甜心、Tiffany、喬喬兒…等網路人氣正妹居然選在聖誕節前夕推出1:1真人大尺寸的「貼The sleep function for my VB6 doesn't work, it just freezes up the application. Can anyone give me a sleep function that won't freeze up the application? ... That's because the Sleep API freezes all events and the next line of code in your app until the S...