VB6 Sleep Function-VBForums - VBForums - Visual Basic and VB .NET Discussions and More!本文獲得微信公眾號 英國那些事兒(hereinuk) 授權,原始標題:勒索病毒過去了?這個當今網絡界最重量級的軍火商,下個月又要搞大事… 上周那場全球性的勒索病毒大浩劫,大家應該還記憶猶新吧? 因為搭上了美國國家安全局NSA的網絡武器永恆之藍,一個老舊The sleep function for my VB6 doesn't work, it just freezes up the application. Can anyone give me a sleep function that won't freeze up the application? ... That's because the Sleep API freezes all events and the next line of code in your app until the S...