VBA Excel - Lesson 20: Strings - Tutorials From FunctionX好太太有好先生 文◎律師娘(林靜如) 我想很多人跟我一樣,第一次認識他,是從某個義憤填膺的女網友在臉書分享了他的文章而來,然後第二次、然後第三次,你開始想:我是不是該封鎖他? 因為,如果你是男人,你不知道怎麼跟你的老婆交代。 因為,如果你是女人,你很想把你的老公踢出家門。 他看似輕描淡寫說得容易,卻The characters used in the US English and the most common characters of Latin-based languages are created in a list or map of character codes. Each character is represented with a small number between 0 and 255. This means that each character ......