vba find function

Kickbutt VBA Find Function - Excel Templates | Excel Add-ins and Excel Help with formulas and VBA Ma一路順風?太官方了! A Christmas treat for my OZgrid friends. :gift: Wraping the VBA Find/FindNext methods into a function you can use in your code to return found range objects! This function is awesome, and the uses are many... Function Find_Range(Find_Item As Variant ......


String Comparison Function in VBA | Excel & VBA – Databison到底要去左邊上還是右邊...!? In your “String Comparison in VBA using LIKE” section above, your citation of a one-liner function to find if a (full) word exists within a text string leaves the impression that this function was written by John Walkenbach… if you read his lead-in John w...


VBA Tips: Writing Your First VBA Function曬衣俠!? Function Area() End Function Place your cursor between the brackets after "Area". If you ever wondered what the brackets are for, you are about to find out! We are going to specify the "arguments" that our function will take (an argument is a ......
