2020日內瓦車展—裝飾就該大 BMW Concept i4
Rounding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia●雙腎換成雙肺 ●百公里加速4秒 ●續航里程600km 其實在日內瓦車展取消的這段時間,BMW還是陸續在釋出各種新車消息,其中最重磅的新聞應該就是Concept i4的推出,整體風格延續早先i Vision Dynamics Concept的設計,現在就讓我們一起來看看這部代表BMW未Stochastic rounding [edit] Another unbiased tie-breaking method is stochastic rounding: If the fractional part of y is 0.5, choose q randomly among y + 0.5 and y − 0.5, with equal probability. Like round-half-to-even, this rule is essentially free of over...