vba trim not working

Trim function not working... The Trim function is in the VBA library. That's not likely the issue, though (although you can try seeing whether using VBA.Trim instead of just Trim makes a difference). Go back to the References list. Select one of the unchecked references at random. Ba...


formula TRIM is not working properly in Excel 2010 - Microsoft Community【罵人不帶髒字的歇後語】 1.蝙蝠身上擦雞毛--你算什麼鳥?  2.茶壺裡的水--滾開! 3.擦粉進棺材--死要面子! 4.大火燒竹林-----一片光棍; 5.唱戲的腿抽筋--下不了台; 6.芝麻地裡撒黃豆--雜種; 7.床單作尿布--夠大方! 8.骯髒他娘哭骯髒—&mdashI am excel user from last 7 year, i used excel 2000, 2003, 2007. now i m useing excel 2010... all formulas are working fine but formula TRIM is not working. the out put which we ......


excel - VBA unable to remove the spaces - Stack Overflow一天老師對小明說:“小明啊!你有沒有親弟弟啊?”小明突然往自己的褲襠看了看,然後皺著眉頭對老師說:“老師,我親不到!”   why trim is not working in VBA? for i = 3 to 2000 activesheet.cells(i,"C").value = trim(Activesheet.cells(i,"C").value) next i No matter how i try its unable to remove the spaces in ......


Trim Function not working in VBA - MrExcel.com | Excel Resources | Excel Solutions叫這樣的朋友幫你拍照,會不會想死?   Trim Function not working in VBA This is a discussion on Trim Function not working in VBA within the Excel Questions forums, part of the Question Forums category; I am using Trim Function in VBA to remove all spaces in a string stored in a cell. My piece ...


Trim function not working - Microsoft Community巨型光棍節前喜歡倫家又不表白的傢伙,她?。。他會代表太陽消滅你們~   Trim function not working EM emnh asked on December 12, 2010 I have Reports in an Access DB that were created in Access 2003 and then converted to Access 2007. The trimfunction is not working. The same thing happens if I use the Label Wizzard to ......
