"Wait" function in VBA - Wrox Programmer Forums▲驚人的秘密啊!(source:tapas,下同) 大家好,我是煞氣編。 大家以前有沒有聽過死去的愛人,如果執念未了的話就有可能可以憑著自己的執念,回來看看最重視的人。但如果你的愛人其實沒那麼愛你呢?現在有許多夫妻看似表面非常恩愛,其實內心根本就是貌合神離啊!  Hi Everyone, Does anyone know an API or other function to run the equivalent of the VB Wait() function using VBA? The code runs within an MS Access ... Hello everyone, Just wondering if someone has a way to pause a macro in VBA? My macro is running a ......