vc_red delete

Can I safely delete VC_RED.MSI and associated files? Solved - Windows 7 Help Forums警察字寫得倒是不錯= =   Similar help and support threads Thread Forum VC_RED files on my Root Directory What are these files? Is it safe if I'm going to delete it? General Discussion VC_Red folder, files within did a search here and on web about vc_red, and info is rather limite...


VC_Red folder, files within - Windows 7 Help Forums哪招啊 !!! (點圖看大圖) 我笑了.....did a search here and on web about vc_red, and info is rather limited. read where microsoft has list of those files that are safe to delete within "vc_red" but the 79 files i have inside vc red are none that microsoft say are safe to delete. my files are ...

全文閱讀, VC_RED.MSI, install.res.1028.dll etc.. Can be removed! | Nicholas Rogoff's Blog要做就去旅館 .......   If you are wondering how or what all these funny files (more listed below) are sitting on your c:\ or other drive, then you will be please to know that they were generated as temporary files by a Visual C++ redistributable install package. Unfortunate...


VC_RED - Windows 7 - Bleeping Computer - Technical Support and Computer Help好猥褻的全家福.....VC_RED - posted in Windows 7: I recently went through my C: drive to see a windows installer package entitled 'VC_RED' and a bunch of other files at the top. Here is a more complete list of miscellaneous files in my C: drive, let me know which ones are le...


VC_RED - Microsoft Community 十年之戰 Because I am tweak trigger happy, I have become cognizant of what's in my C: drive at any given time. Now, all of the sudden there is this hitherto unheard of VC_RED with ......


Redeye VC - First Round Capital    如果人跟物對調...     香蕉: 喔 ~ 原來是人皮阿 (怎麼覺得好驚悚阿)                         &A view of the startup ecosystem from a coastally challenged VC. ... From the moment he stepped on UPenn’s campus as a freshman, Dan Shipper knew that he wanted to learn how to build a real software business....
