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WOOF: Summary for VCA Inc. - Yahoo! Finance 神奇寶貝風靡全球,陪伴了許多人度過童年時光,不僅是卡通,就連神奇寶貝的遊戲也是大受歡迎,還記得以前的神奇寶貝金版、銀版、水晶版,都讓當時的我們沉迷其中,不過,熟悉神奇寶貝的人都知道,其實裡面有很多奇怪的地方,只是你從來沒有注意到,接下來,就趕快來看看這些廣大網友們對神奇寶貝有什麼疑問吧,或許你可以View the basic WOOF stock chart on Yahoo! Finance. Change the date range, chart type and compare VCA Inc. against other companies. ... VCA Inc. operates as an animal healthcare company in the United States and Canada. It operates through two segments ......