How to Play VCD, XVCD on Mac or Windows computer, or DVD Player 愛是需要說對不起的。世上除了親情之外,並沒有不需要說對不起的愛。一句「對不起」,曾經是多麼難以啟齒也好,有一天,你知道如果你不說,你便會失去很多甜美的幸福。當你做錯了事...當你傷害了他....當你固執得不可理喻之後...為甚麼還要堅持不肯道歉呢?你不道歉,他不會知道你心裡的歉意。你有多少歉意,就How to play VCD or XVCD on your Mac or Windows computer or DVD player ... A new version of Windows Media Player recognizes the Video CD (VCD) format, finds the video files on the disk and plays them in order....