VW集團前執行長暨董事會主席Ferdinand Piech去世
Thermal Module -Forcecon Tech. Co., Ltd.前任VW集團執行長暨董事會主席Ferdinand Piech在上周日(8/25)於德國羅森海姆(Rosenheim)去世,享年82歲。 Ferdinand Piech是VW集團轉型的關鍵人物,在上個世紀VW面臨低潮時以突破性的策略讓集團逆勢重生,除了大幅調整讓VW集團重新恢復健康之外,VCM actuator with M6.5 Lens module (Model: FCN-658535B-L1) The 2nd product is the AF VCM with M6.5 Lens module, the dimension is 8.8x8.5x3.5 mm, it is in engineer sample ... VCM product is used on a cell- phone cameras, the miniature camera system ......