KONA BIKES | 2015 BIKES | FREERANGE | WO那天我一個醫院的案子總算完工驗收了,照慣例,業主總會請吃個飯。席間免不了討論一下彼此行業的差異,礙於工程尾款還沒領,一時也不方便說啥。不過回來想想,我們行業之間的差異還真的蠻大的。雖然當時是個 "俗辣",不敢說啥,現在還是得說說醫師那一行比我們營造這一行好多了......你還沒開始幹活就先收掛號費我We’ve seen them cruise glaciers and roll through sand dunes on the way to surf breaks, even dropping in on the odd cross-country race. Yes, the Wo has secured its spot in the Fat-bike world as an amazing value and solid performer. Introduced last year, th...