KONA BIKES | 2015 BIKES | FREERANGE | WO她,曾與10,091男子同床共枕,整日沉迷於可卡因、在買衣服和汽車上一擲千金。 格溫妮絲‧蒙特內格羅(Gwyneth Montenegro)向人們揭開了「三陪」世界的神秘面紗——一窺她奢靡的生活方式,儘管她出生於一個虔誠的基督教家庭。 在她職業生涯的頂峰,作為「頭牌」,格溫妮We’ve seen them cruise glaciers and roll through sand dunes on the way to surf breaks, even dropping in on the odd cross-country race. Yes, the Wo has secured its spot in the Fat-bike world as an amazing value and solid performer. Introduced last year, th...