KONA BIKES | 2015 BIKES | FREERANGE | WO話說, 小時候,我們經常能聽過一些流傳在身邊的鬼故事, 這類鬼故事,有的發生在學校,有的發生在某座小山,有的則在某個廢棄建築里的… 我們今天要說的故事,也是從一個流傳已久的鬼故事開始的, 70年代,紐約最南邊的史丹頓島的GreenBelt地區,曾經流傳着這麼一個都市傳說:We’ve seen them cruise glaciers and roll through sand dunes on the way to surf breaks, even dropping in on the odd cross-country race. Yes, the Wo has secured its spot in the Fat-bike world as an amazing value and solid performer. Introduced last year, th...