KONA BIKES | 2015 BIKES | FREERANGE | WO 1、邊說邊笑:這種人與你交談時你會覺得非常輕鬆愉快。他們大都性格開朗,對生活要求從不苛刻,很注意“知足常樂”,富有人情味。感情專一,對友情、親情特別珍惜。人緣較好,喜愛平靜的生活。 2、掰手指節:這種人習慣於把自己的手指掰得咯嗒咯嗒地響。他們通常精力旺盛We’ve seen them cruise glaciers and roll through sand dunes on the way to surf breaks, even dropping in on the odd cross-country race. Yes, the Wo has secured its spot in the Fat-bike world as an amazing value and solid performer. Introduced last year, th...