Blackbox Solutions Ltd - Designers and manufacturers of the best vehicle diagnostic tools.圖片來源:web option 最為最後一代日本當地生產的喜美Type-R,FD2截至目前為止依舊在日本當地擁有極高的改裝人氣,不過由過去的掀背車型改為四門設計,較長的軸距對於車重上也有很大的影響,也難怪新款的FK2與FK8都嘗試著將軸距做縮減,但這一切的一切還是沒有影響FD2在本田迷Welcome to the Blackbox Solutions website: Our aim is to be the leading producer of diagnostic equipment for Land Rover vehicles. We achieve this by coupling innovative hardware design with cutting edge software development. Our mainly British staff compr...