席捲全球黑色風潮 ALBA 秋冬新款魅力登場 代言人楊祐寧強勢演繹 自信隨時有型
Venturi mask - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia席捲全球黑色風潮 ALBA 秋冬新款魅力登場 代言人楊祐寧強勢演繹 自信隨時有型 深受年輕世代喜愛的流行領導品牌ALBA,以隨時有型、百搭時尚為訴求,不斷推出具有流行元素設計感的錶款。代言人楊祐寧出道至今不斷嘗試多元戲路,自信多變的形象與ALBA精神不謀而合。在黑色風潮席捲國際之際,ALBA特別推出The venturi mask, also known as an air-entrainment mask (and sometimes by the brand name Ventimask®), is a medical device to deliver a known oxygen concentration to patients on controlled oxygen therapy. The mask was invented by Moran Campbell as a replac...