正妹上網訂了「私密物品」在箱子裡「狂震」,快遞小哥急忙送到正妹公司才發現...12 個與快遞小哥的超
Vertical Axis Windmill Invention - Alternative Energy News本文已獲少女兔授權轉載,轉載授權請與原作者聯絡,不要任意抄襲! 微信号:mh4565 原文標題:快遞小哥聊天記錄曝光,哈哈哈哈哈,太爆笑了! 嗨嗨,大家好,我是A小姐(ฅΦωΦ)ฅ (source:uumnt) ---以下內容由少女兔提供--- (source:少女兔)本Yrs & yrs ago my Dad built such a contraption – not based on aerofoils as yours seems to be, but with blades that were either perpendicular to the wind direction on one side of the tail axis, or folded away on the other. This large contraption – 5 metres ...