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Modern Vespa : Vespa GTS 250原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:賴瞳妍 心裡覺得悶悶的時候, 會好希望被打動, 然後像一場午後雨一樣用眼淚把煩惱洗盡, 萌友們也有這樣的時刻嗎? 擁有超過 5000 部動畫, 超好用的追動畫看影片 app「布丁動畫」舉辦的這場票選, 歷時八天, 總共四十部動畫提名, 1500,000 人次參與The GTS 250 was introduced as a 2006 model in late 2005. Europe was the first to see availability, with units arriving in the US in early 2006. The introduction of the GTS 250 represented the first time fuel injection had ever been included on a Vespa. Th...