AirSplat.com - AirSoft Gun Warehouse - SCAR-H Airsoft Rifle Gun - VFC SCAR-H Tan Airsoft Electric AE 翻拍自coco01 (下同) 起因在於他和一個女生成為了朋友,於是同學開始留言惡搞! 重點一開始大家只是報數而已,後來竟然引發狂猛戰爭! 後來不知道為什麼開始要變成句子接龍... VFC SCAR-H Tan Airsoft Electric AEG Gun ... Everyone on my block loves AirSplat! We have a team and we only buy from AirSplat! You guys are the best! We compare prices and shipping all the time and every time you are the best priced and fastest shipping....