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Viber - Android Apps on Google Play台視新八點檔大戲《情•份》劇組演員日前抽空參與愛心捐血活動,演員羅時豐率年輕演員黃露瑤、巫宗翰、程雅晨上街招募熱血,羅時豐分享起過去曾經成功捐血,事後卻通知不能使用的傷心回憶:「曾經捐過一次,後來檢驗後被通知血太濃不能用,怕害到別人,後來就都沒去過了。」。 年輕演員們則是躍躍欲試想盡一份心With Viber, everyone in the world can connect. Freely. More than 516 million Viber users text, make HD-quality phone and video calls, and send photo and video messages worldwide over Wifi or 3G - for free.* Viber Out can be used to make calls to non-Viber...


Viber - Official Site話說,韓國有一檔叫做Mars People X File(火星人X檔案)的綜藝節目,   這個節目專門請來各種奇葩的人士在節目裡現身說法,而這些人作出的舉動,往往讓人出乎意料,甚至三觀震碎...   比如他們曾經報道過十幾年不洗澡的人,幾年不卸妝的人,或者整容幾十次的人等等。 &With Viber for iOS, you can make free calls and send free text, sticker, photo, voice and video messages to other Viber users, on any device, in any network and country! ... Free messages and calls from any Android device, including tablets, on any networ...


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