vic gondotra

Vic Gundotra, the head of Google+, leaves Google | Ars Technica不知道他做錯了什麼........Vic Gundotra, the head of Google+ and a senior vice president at Google, is leaving the company. Gundotra made the announcement on Google+ (where else?), providing few details about where he is going or why he is leaving. Gundotra led the creation of Goog...


策略聯盟案例研究這年頭當鬼都困難。。。貞子兼職賣X野家!!!MICROSFT&NOKIA 國立高雄師範大學工業科技教育學系 廖永宏 壹、緒論 第一節 研究背景 現今科技產業日新月異,企業間的單打獨鬥 已復不在,相互間的 併 購、聯盟已成趨勢,策略聯盟之重要性已成為國際競爭的新現實。...


The Steve Jobs Nobody Knew | Rolling Stone兵"熊"俑How an insecure, acid-dropping hippie kid reinvented himself as a technological visionary - and changed the world ... W hen I first met Steve Jobs, I thought he was a loser. It was 1980, and I was just a Silicon Valley kid who knew nothing about computers...
