vine video cropping

The New Vine: 6-Second Videos Will Never Be the Same [HANDS ON]沙巴-風景如畫的「風下之地」沙巴位於馬來西亞最東部,這裡有山有水,更有聞名世界的美麗海灘,對於崇尚大自然的人來說,沒有比沙巴更適合旅遊的地方了。沙巴有潛水愛好者心目中的天 堂——詩巴丹(Sipadan),僅在淺水區就能見到多種稀有魚類。沙巴另一處知名景點就是神山公園(KinaThe new camera features on Vine aren't just shiny and new. They've totally changed the platform. It’s been nearly two years since Twitter acquired Vine and added it to the canon of notable social media platforms. Six-second looping videos simply weren’t “...


Stealth Marketing: How Brands Infiltrate Vine With Product Placement 由於近年的路跑、單車、露營等活動逐漸受到愛戴,運動逐漸成為Life Style中不可缺少且息息相關的一環,加上90年代復古風潮的崛起,休閒運動風成為全球流行新指標,不論在時裝伸展台或是街頭潮流穿搭,都能看見滿滿的Sport元素,本番就要帶領各位讀者一探這股時尚運動風潮! 【editor/EasonWith sights set on its 40 million users — many of whom are teenagers — advertisers are getting crafty in their efforts to break into ad-free Vine. The six-second video platform, which is owned by Twitter, is one of the largest social networks that doesn't...


How to Get Around Vine's Time Restriction and Upload Videos Longer Than 6 Seconds « Smartphones過完元宵節就代表新年結束,並意味著春天即將來臨,在這個乍暖還寒的時候正是 出外走跳好時機,如果想要受到路上女孩青睞來場浪漫約會,你就絕對不能缺少一雙搶眼吸睛的注目鞋款!這回跟著我們一起走入COOL編私藏的街頭波鞋精品店,不但有最限量的新款Air Jordan 話題鞋款,還有多雙高科技跑鞋讓你年後甩脂How to Get Around Vine's Time Restriction and Upload Videos Longer Than 6 Seconds As we all know, our attention spans are much shorter now that we're accustomed to getting information and news in tiny snippets via text messages, tweets, instagrams, and .....


Biology and Management of Squash Vine Borer in Organic Farming Systems - eXtension 研發總監Maurizio Reggiani談品牌未來趨勢 【劉建宏/報導】日前Lamborghini研發總監Maurizio Reggiani 在接受海外媒體訪問時,對於自家產品的研發方向提出了明確的解釋,而其中最令人關注的部分則是驅動方式、動力系統以及新產品的規劃。目前Lamborghini所有While susceptibility to squash vine borer will not be the determining factor in your variety selection, knowing a variety's relative susceptibility can help you target your management efforts to the varieties at highest risk of infestation. Perimeter Trap...


Snail Vine - Perennial & Biennial Seeds - Thompson & Morgan 超越GT500廠車的超高性能 在世界造成轟動的Under Suzuki S15,在2014年年尾時參加了全世界改裝車大賽的WTAC賽事,首度登場就以0.04秒的差距奪下世界第二的成績。回到日本後就直接奔向筑波賽道,立志更新賽道的最速成績。在筑波Super Battle當日,車輛並沒有做特殊設定,依Prior to sowing, Vigna seed should be chipped or soaked in tepid warm for 1-2 hours. Sow Snail Vine seed in pots or trays on the surface of a good seed sowing compost, and lightly cover with more compost or fine grade vermiculite until the seed is just co...


Q & A: Doing the Math from Vine to Bottle - The Craig 帽子,一個看似不起眼的單品,卻是造型中很重要的一環!不僅有畫龍點睛的效果,更能提高造型的完整度。像是知名的華人潮流ICON EUGENE TONG曾說過,自己最不能沒有的配件就屬於帽子,不管是毛帽、棒球帽、紳士帽款都是他的最愛,有此可見帽子對於整體造型的重要性有多大了!連ONE編自己也是帽子控,最Those of us in the wine business are sometimes asked questions that catch us off guard. For example, “How many bottles of wine come from a grape vine?” This type of question is hard to answer because winemakers think more......
