vine video search

Vine - Mashable電影:駭客攻陷電腦奪取資料總是很快的。  現實:要開一堆視窗不說,還要怕碰到防毒軟體或防火牆... ===================================== 電影:受重傷還能很多話,朋友難過還要笑著安慰他。  現實:啊啊啊啊啊啊啊好痛啊啊啊!!!!!ヾ(;゚;ДVine is an app for Android an iOS that lets users create and share six-second videos by pressing and holding your finger down on the screen. Even though videos are limited to si......


Instagram Video Vs. Vine: What’s The Difference? | TechCrunch各種女孩喝水的樣子!! 最後一個也太猛了吧!!  Instagram just launched video functionality. Glorious, 15-second, editable video functionality. Complete with image stabilization. So what does this mean for Vine? In the end, the competition should give users plenty to be excited about, whether you’re a ...
