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Vintage Dresses & Vintage Clothing | Unique Vintage今天要講的是...「腿長的正妹都有獨特的擺拍姿勢」由於腿太長,坐捷運、坐公車、甚至是坐下或者是站立的時候,都有不同於普通長度的腿的姿勢。看完後小弟不僅高呼:大千世界,長腿最正!   來源:卡提諾Welcome to Unique Vintage, Darling - Shop Our Fabulous Vintage Clothing and Dresses If you pay any mind to -- and what girl doesn't -- the retro fashions trends that surround us, you realize that every day seems to generate a new fad. It's almost hard to ...


LaurieAnna's Vintage Home 網上的那些什麼護校女生自拍門,我只能說是小兒科。 先講幾個重口的,給大家提提神。女友寢室有個女生,家裡沒什麼錢,但是花錢卻是最衝的,最近剛換了愛瘋6,平時跟人說東西都是男友送的,不過她男友誰都沒見過。 每週會有幾天不在寢室住,在外面過夜,但是走之前都會在寢室化很濃的妝,還噴香水。 有幾次早上回來的It's hard to believe that 2015 is just hours away and with that said, I've been busy prepping the shop for our first sho w of the New Year... January 1st - 4th, 2015. We're making room...Out with the old, in with the NEW! If you are planning to shop with ...


Sally Jane Vintage我想應該有不少男人的血液裡面或多或少都潛藏著一股不羈的疾速靈魂吧,在路上看到跑車時總是會忍不住多看一眼,獨行開車時有時也會忍不住想要享受一下貼背的快感,四下無人可以嘗試帥氣過彎時總是會覺得自己是拓海第二。但是人生嘛,總是不見得可以事事盡如人意,年輕時想要開跑車,口袋不一定夠飽買得起;經濟穩定時想要玩Spring poked her head out of the ground for a couple of days last week, but now we're back to wearing coats and scarves around here. It's a bit like self induced torture to look at pretty spring things right now. So instead, I've been admiring the Autumn ...


The Vintage Moth.. via 這下誤會大了...Hey guys! I went to an estate sale this morning and found a few antique books from the late 1800's - 1920's that were falling apart but perfect to use for the blog. One of the books is called "Wood's Natural History" from 1899. It includes all sort of dif...


Vintage Tub and Bath - Clawfoot Tubs, Cast Iron, Acrylic - Clawfoot Tub Faucets | Vin viaBathtubs Clawfoot Tubs Cast Iron Tubs Acrylic Tubs Freestanding Tubs Copper Tubs Whirlpool Tubs See All Bathtubs Tub Faucets Tub Wall Mounted Faucets Deck/Rim Mounted Tub Faucets Freestanding Tub Faucets Wall Mounted Tub Faucets Roman Tub ......
