viral exanthem中文

The Medically Fragile Child原來是這樣啊!!!! Information about caring for special needs & medically fragile children. ... Hemifacial microsomia (HFM) is a condition in which the tissue on one side of the face is underdeveloped, affecting primarily the aural (ear), oral (mouth), and mandibular (jaw) ...


ICD-9 代碼查詢: ICD-9-CM 0-400得救了~~~~ 001 *Cholera 0010 Cholera due to Vibrio cholerae 0011 Cholera due to Vibrio cholerae el tor 0019 Cholera, unspecified 002 *Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers 0020 Typhoid fever 0021 Paratyphoid fever A 0022 Paratyphoid fever B 0023 Paratyphoid fever C 0029 Pa...


ICD-9 代碼查詢哈哈哈.......老不死是最高境界啊!!! ICD-9 (2001) English 中文 ICD-9 (1992) 002.0 Typhoid fever 傷寒 002.0 003.0 Salmonellosis 沙門氏菌病 003.0 004.0 Shigella dysenteriae 志賀桿菌性痢疾 004.0 004.9 Shigellosis 志賀桿菌病 004.9 009.0 Infectious colitis, enteritis and gastroenteritis 感染性(傳染性 ......


Taipei Doctor: ICD-9 code English Chinese 中英文對照碼偶爾也想吃吃看....別家是吃起來怎樣XD 313.9 Disturbance of emotions specific to childhood and adolescence(overanxious disorder、misery and unhappiness disorder、sensitivity, shyness, and social withdrawal disorder、social withdrawal of childhood or adolescence、elective mustism、oppositional ......


Masern – Wiktionary也太陽春了吧!!!!!! Worttrennung: kein Singular, Plural: Ma·sern Aussprache: IPA: Plural: [ˈmaːzɐn] Hörbeispiele: Plural: — Bedeutungen: [1] Medizin: akute Virusinfektion mit typischem Exanthem Herkunft: im 16. Jahrhundert von mittelniederdeutsch mas(s)ele, maselen übernomme...
