【JUKSY 專訪】BABY-G 二十週年「名人大改造」X 蔣雅文 朱經雄
Visit Singapore - Tourist & Travel Guide – YourSingapore BABY-G ,為 CASIO 旗下的品牌,其設計專為女孩打造,活潑可愛、亮眼青春,不只外型吸引人,也兼具許多功能性:耐衝擊、太陽能、防水、背光照明和世界時間等等,讓女孩們都可以擁有多變風格的功能錶,還能搭配自己的穿搭!而今年是 BABY-G 的 20 週年,除了大力邀請到當紅的少女時Looking for ideas on what to see and do in Singapore? The official destination website has plenty of fun-filled suggestions to keep you busy during your visit. ... Let our site be more useful to you each time you visit by enabling your cookies so we can r...