腦子脫線的剎那 >"
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Error In Windows 7 - Fix Errors !有一次坐公車,拿了悠遊卡排隊上車,前面一個人是扔硬幣的,我大腦短路,跟著把悠遊卡扔進去了....鄰居忘了帶鑰匙,從我家陽台翻過去,進到他自家屋裡找到鑰匙後,又從陽台翻出來外面,從外面再打開他自家房門。 更令人叫絕的是,我自始至終在陽台接應著,未覺有不妥之處。 唉!我倆的腦袋肯定被As you probably already noticed windows is not error-free, so if you want to quickly fix a Microsoft visual c++ runtime error in Windows 7, keep reading for an easy solution. Take a couple of minutes and scan this important information to educate yourself...