visual cd

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Visual Vinyl Records, cd's and Rarities如果乍見這些色彩繽紛的作品,可能會覺得是用水彩完成的,但事實上卻都是「可食用」的顏料呢!而且還是用大家超愛的「冰品」作畫喔。藝術家Othman Toma有著另類的眼光,不同於一般畫家使用水彩、油畫顏料;選定冰淇淋、雪糕作為畫畫的材料。這一系列的繪畫顏色粉嫩,主題包括人臉、老虎等等,一起來欣Visual Vinyl - Specialists since 1989 in supplying quality records and cd's to the world at competative prices. ... Welcome To Our Online Collectors Shop We have been suppliers of collectors items since 1992 with thousands of satisfied customers worldwide...
