Dosage for Vitamin B complex - Dairy Goat Info Forum真不知道媽媽在家裡忙甚麼..... 很有破壞力的便當... 疑? 瞄準力媲美狙擊槍了... 蟑螂:怕怕 昨天同學大概跟媽媽吵架了吧! 恩?中午吃這個會膩吧......orz 跟媽媽要求的白色情人節午餐 真的很符合耶.O.K. I know I've seen it on here but can't find it. What is the dosage for Vitamin B Complex to give a doe? No, it's not for polio. She wasn't feeling well yesterday but was doing better late last night. Still want to give her vit B for a boost. Linda...