vit b2食物

Riboflavin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia有蕾絲邊的餅乾,你捨得吃嗎?Riboflavin (vitamin B2) is part of the vitamin B group. It is the central component of the cofactors FAD and FMN and as such required for a variety of flavoprotein enzyme reactions including activation of other vitamins. It was formerly known as vitamin G...


Niacin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia美國也哭泣At present, niacin deficiency is sometimes seen in developed countries, and it is usually apparent in conditions of poverty, malnutrition, and chronic alcoholism. It also tends to occur in areas where people eat maize (corn) as a staple food, since it is ...


保健新知 -10大 致癌食品與抑癌食物 | S&Z 生活情報站猜猜偶是誰???【十大致癌食物黑名单】 1. 葵花子 2. 口香糖 3. 味精 (胺酸钠) 4. 猪肝 5. 油条、河粉、板条…...


[意外人生]對傷口癒合有幫助的食物 @ 日常裡。小確幸 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::黑社會殺人1. 手術後若禁食超過 十天,只靠點滴的話,會造成脂肪(essential fatty acids)缺乏,進而影響傷口癒合 2. 為使傷口癒合良好,需補充一些胺基酸如 Arginine, Glutamine, Methionine, Cysteine 等等 3. 正常人需要 Vit. C 60mg/d; 但 燒傷的病人需要 2g/d...


Vitamin B12 — Consumer - Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS)原來小叮噹原籍中國What is vitamin B12 and what does it do? Vitamin B12 is a nutrient that helps keep the body's nerve and blood cells healthy and helps make DNA, the genetic material in all cells. Vitamin B12 also helps prevent a type of anemia called megaloblastic anemia ...
