Dr. Joe's E-News - A Diabetes Newsletter: Vitamin D—The Cure For Many Diseases? 某領導兒子愛說謊,於是領導買了個測謊儀,一日兒子晚歸。父: 去哪了?儿: 圖書館看書。【 【啪!機器人一巴掌拍了過去!】兒: 去同學家看AV片了。父: 好大的膽子!我長這麼大就从来沒看過。。。【 啪!機器人給了其父一巴掌! 】母怒斥: 活該!對兒子這麼苛刻?怎麼說他都是你親生的啊。【Anonymous said... Dear anonymous: You didn't say how often you take the 50,000 units of vitamin D but I suspect it's not daily but once a week and while you should be taking vitamin D3, if you will check with your pharmacist, I'll bet it's vitamin D2. You...