日本手工球鞋品牌 LOSERS 2014 秋冬款式發售
B vitamins - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia日本手工球鞋品牌LOSERS發售秋冬款式,本季秉持一貫簡單且俐落的設計並在細節中加以點綴,在秋冬一片深色系的鞋款中脫穎而出。一直以來LOSERS的兩大品牌訴求:實用的搭配性及極佳的舒適度在本季顯而易見。 本季在品牌象徵性的Schooler鞋型上使用麂皮材質讓整雙鞋的質感更加提升。 “PSYCHEDENote: other substances once thought to be vitamins were given numbers in the B-vitamin numbering scheme, but were subsequently discovered to be either not essential for life or manufactured by the body, thus not meeting the two essential qualifiers for a ...