女子防強姦安全套你見過嗎 很好的發明
Cancer Protocols and Dosages - Cure or Prevent Cancer with Raw Apricot Seeds如果女性感到自己有被強姦的危險,就把它放到自己的私處,一旦受到強姦者的攻擊 裝置上那個小小的像三菱刮刀一樣的小牙齒就會緊緊咬住強姦者的下體。被咬住只能 做外科手術才能摘除 真是恐怖的"防衛"武器...一個不小心...命根子可能會開花Learn Dr. Krebs Apricot Seeds, Vitamin B17 Protocols and Dosage ... Dr. Krebs asserts that 7 apricot seeds per day will make it impossible to develop cancer. One or two vitamin B17 tablets (100mg) is an acceptable supplemental dosage per day....