Vitamin B17 (Amygdalin, Laetrile) - Organic-Health.us | Web Directory | Cancer, Autism, Vaccines 夏天,冰涼的西瓜和日本動漫相信是大多數人的童年回憶。而《蠟筆小新》更是日本經典動漫的代表作。 小編小時候,媽媽視日本動漫為洪水猛獸,至今還記得,有一次好不容易從同學家借來一盤《蠟筆小新》,於是趁着家裡沒人偷看小新跳大象舞,自己笑得Vitamin B17 (Amygdalin, Laetrile) A World Without Cancer - The Story of Vitamin B17 Book by G. Edward Griffin Chapter 3 of the Eustace Mullins book mentioned a substance called Laetrile. Laetrile has a molecular structure that is similar to that of the B ...