Those sexy photos of Zhang Ziyi topless on the beach canoodling with her fiance Vivi Nevo...: Shangh 不要以為自己已經成熟到可以忽略感情——這叫自殘。成長不一定是從醜小鴨變成白天鵝,如果你不懂接受,它更可能將你變成難看的大鴨子。 1、遇到帥哥先看鼻子。某年某月某日你遇到某個讓你很心動的男人,你不敢看他的眼睛,那就看他的鼻子吧。禮儀書上說,女孩子對著鼻尖的目光高度是最優雅的,... aren't here, you naughty bastards. Lately, lots of people have been stumbling on this website through Google searches of Zhang Ziyi (章子怡) while other concerned readers have been writing in to us wondering about our curious silence on Zhang Ziyi's late...