全世界最「神奇的三張圖」,沒有人能解開這個謎!你一定要親身體驗 3看懂他你就會了解身邊的人在想甚麼
VideoLAN - Official page for VLC media player, the Open Source video framework! 右看向左轉,左看向右轉?解釋不了! 看這張圖,到底是靜的還是動的? 測試之後,我都差點瘋掉,換了5次牌,都沒解開這個謎!你快試試,看看到底有沒有人能解開這個謎!!!! 你知Official page for VLC media player, the Open Source video framework! ... VLC is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player and framework that plays most multimedia files as well as DVD, Audio CD, VCD, and various streaming protocols....